Memory Verse For December
He answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and “Love your neighbour as yourself”. Luke 10:27
- Here are the announcements for this coming Sunday.
We meet for prayer on Sunday evening at 6.00pm in the Nelson Room before the service of worship at 6.30pm. Tea and coffee will be served after the evening service.
The Bright Hour is on Tuesday afternoon. The speaker this week is David Morrow from UFM. All women in the congregation are invited to come for this time of fellowship.
The midweek Bible study and prayer meeting for all the congregation is on Wednesday at 7.45pm.
We hope to have a special invitation service on Sunday, 26 January and we want you to pray and to think about whether there’s someone you could invite to it: a friend, neighbour or relative who doesn’t normally go to any church. The service won’t be very different from what we normally do on Sundays, but it will include a simple gospel message.
Sermons and Stuff
‘Sermons and Stuff’ is the name of Colin’s personal website where the text of many of his sermons is available. You may find these sermons useful when studying the Bible or when doing your daily devotions. The website address is
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