Memory Verse For September
I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know this full well. Psalm 139:14
- Announcements
11.30am We’ll be studying Ephesians 4:17–5:2 on Sunday morning where Paul teaches us to live as those who have put off our old, sinful humanity and who have put on the new, Christlike humanity.
7.00pm Colin hopes to preach a one-off sermon on Romans 1 on Sunday evening where Paul says that God has made himself known to everyone, but everyone is inclined to suppress the truth and to replace God with something else. We gather in the presence of God to hear his word and to give thanks to him in prayer and praise. Everyone is welcome to join us.
We meet for prayer on Sunday evening at 6.30pm in the Nelson Room before the service of worship at 7.00pm. Tea and coffee will be served after the evening service.
PW will recommence on Monday, 16 September at 7.45pm when the speaker will be from Samaritans Purse. All women in the congregation are invited to attend.
The midweek Bible study and prayer meeting for all the congregation is on Wednesday at 7.45pm.
Two or three dates for your diary: our next Communion service will be on Sunday, 6 October; and our Harvest Thanksgiving services will be on Sunday, 13 October. Practices for the Harvest choir will start on Thursday, 26 September at 7.45pm. Anyone who would like to join will be made very welcome.
Colin is hoping to begin a new communicants class soon. So, if you’re not yet a communicant, but think that you’d like to become one, please let him know.
Volunteers required for The Vine Centre Homework Club: Would you be interested in Volunteering in our Homework Club each Tuesday afternoon from 3pm to 4.30pm? The Vine Centre Homework Club runs each Tuesday afternoon for children in Primary 3 to Primary 7 to help complete homework. When homework is finished there is some time to play games and enjoy juice and biscuits. If you think you would have some spare time and would like to help or if you would like some more information, then please contact Elizabeth Anderson at the Vine Centre on 028 9035 1020 or email
Annual report 2023
Sermons and Stuff
‘Sermons and Stuff’ is the name of Colin’s personal website where the text of many of his sermons is available. You may find these sermons useful when studying the Bible or when doing your daily devotions. The website address is
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Vision of Good Hope
Weekly Activities
Presbyterian Historical Society
Link for Church Videos and previous services
Prayer Topics Link