The Boys’ Brigade is a worldwide, Christian, youth organisation for those aged 4 to 18 years. In Northern Ireland, the Boys’ Brigade is one of the largest uniformed youth organisations.
• We have 300 BB Companies meeting weekly, usually weeknights, from September – April / May. The Boys’ Brigade companies are run in local churches and missions throughout Northern Ireland by local volunteers from the church or mission.
BB Aim
• The advancement of Christ’s kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.
• The Brigade acknowledges Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord according to the Scriptures and seeks to fulfil its aim to the Glory of One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
• The Brigade witnesses to the standard set by Jesus Christ and gives positive teaching on the Christian attitude to life. The Brigade promotes a just society where all people are equally valued.
Contact Kevin Harvey (Captain)
Anchor Boys Age: P2 to P4 Friday 6:45pm – 7:45pm
We are the youngest group in the Boys’ Brigade and we have lots of fun every week.
• Play Games
• Sing songs
• Make Craft
• Run Around
• Paint and Draw
• Listen to Bible Stories
• Go on Special Outings
We have our own uniform which is grey trousers and a bright red jumper. But there is more than they realise.
They will find more because Anchor Boys offer many the first chance to work together, to co-operate in a joint activity, to work (or play) as a team. Have fun and begin to learn some important life skills.
All over the world, Boys Brigade members wear the same badge. In the centre a Cross,the symbol of Christ an His Church
Junior Section Age: P5 to P7 Friday 6.45pm – 20:15
The eight year old is an established individual, looking to try new adventures and activities. He is usually one of a group of friends, although many still like to explore some interests on their own.
The Junior Section offers a lot of support and encouragement. The programme is a full and varied one, typically lasting one and a quarter hours with a few if any individual activities lasting more than ten minutes. There is certainly plenty of variety and little chance of becoming bored!
Lots of Physical activities, crafts, games and competitions usually undertaken in groups rather than on an individual level to avoid exposing any lack of skill in an individual.
The award programme in the Junior Section is specifically designed to encourage a boy to look beyond himself. Many are interested in one type of activity – perhaps sports, or natural history. Our special programme provides such interest and at the same time gently urges them to try others of a different type.
The young boy has a world to discover, and early concentration on one small aspect can mean that much is missed in life. This is the time for a balanced all round programme – which includes spiritual and social input, as well as physical and adventure activities.
Here’s what we like to do:
• Team games
• Competitions & quizzes
• Bible stories with drama, quizzes and crafts
• Arts & crafts
Would you like to be a Junior Section? Junior Section meet once a week during the winter months.
Company Section Age: Year 8 to Year 14 Friday 7:45pm – 10:00pm
• The boys enjoy getting away from the hassles of school for one evening a week. It’s a great place to make friends with boys from other in your area.
• The boys are required to wear the BB uniform and bring PE kit for games.
• The Company Section allows individuals to take part in the activities and the decisions. A chance to make ones own point, a chance also to remain one of a group. A chance to build friendships, a chance to make mistakes that will not be thrown back at them, where skilled staff support can present challenges fitted to the individual. Successfully achieving one challenge is great practice for the next.
Here’s what we are into:
• Making friends
• Learning about how God is relevant to us today
• Going on camp and activity weekends
• Sports – volleyball, computer games, 5-aside football, etc..
Learning new things like First aid, car maintenance, a new sport